Hi! I’m Karen Garner

Welcome to my Jo Jingles classes in Letchworth, Hitchin, Shefford & Stotfold

Hello, I'm Karen and I run the Jo Jingles franchise in North Herts taking the classes in Letchworth and Fairfield Park.

Prior to having my family, I worked in the dealing room of a large global bank in the City but always made music in my spare time. After a career break and my children starting school, I worked as a Jo Jingles class teacher for 3 years before I took over the franchise from the retiring owner. I have such fun at classes and the rewards from teaching all these children are priceless.  Do I miss the City ?......absolut...

Hello, I'm Karen and I run the Jo Jingles franchise in North Herts taking the classes in Letchworth and Fairfield Park.

Prior to having my family, I worked in the dealing room of a large global bank in the City but always made music in my spare time. After a career break and my children starting school, I worked as a Jo Jingles class teacher for 3 years before I took over the franchise from the retiring owner. I have such fun at classes and the rewards from teaching all these children are priceless.  Do I miss the City ?......absolutely not !

When I'm not "jingling", I am married to Nigel and have my own VERY grown up children, Ollie & Sophie

I have always enjoyed playing my piano & clarinet (though a bit rusty on the clarinet these days!) Music plays a large part in our house and Jo Jingles fits perfectly!

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Jo Jingles offers fun, interactive music, singing and movement classes for preschool children…

With the help of our cheery mascot doll ‘Jo’ our specially trained and experienced class teachers run the most popular and established music and movement classes across the UK, Ireland and now Australia!

Lasting 30 to 45 minutes, our structured and interactive music and movement classes offer a fantastic educational activity for children from three months to five years of age.

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He is extremely friendly and actively participates in all of our classes. At the start of each session he welcomes all children with a smile, a wave and a cuddle. Then he might sing or dance or pretend to be a train driver, a monkey or even a teapot.

Sometimes he hides and we have to look for him. Sometimes he falls asleep and he needs some help to wake up. Sometimes he is shy and we have to encourage him to join in with the fun. But he always makes time for plenty of hugs and kisses when it’s time for the children to say goodbye.

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Find Out More About Us


  • Meet Suzanne Gfrarer

    Suzanne is the other half of our team, taking the classes in Hitchin and Shefford. Prior to having her young children, Suzanne gained a qualification in Early Years Studies at Degree level. She's worked as a Deputy Leader in a Nursery followed by a lengthy spell as a Family Worker at a busy Children's Centre, running sessions, teaching classes, and helping families. Lois and Max are growing up fast and she's keen to get back to the joy of teaching and guiding your little ones on their early years journey. If she gets any spare time she loves watching films, eating out and occasionally writes children's stories !


The classes have definitely helped me through the weeks as well as giving my girls so much joy.

The classes have definitely helped me through the weeks as well as giving my girls so much joy. You are a wonderful teacher and I will never forget my time at Jo Jingles, I'm going to miss it so much.

Steph's Mum

Thank you for bringing sunshine, energy, making us laugh and being the most reliable teacher ever ! I'm so sad to close this chapter

Thank you so much for bringing Jo Jingles into our lives! We've always looked forward to our Fridays and I'm so sad to close this chapter. Thank you for bringing sunshine, energy, making us laugh and being the most reliable teacher ever !

Isabelle's Mum

My 3 children absolutely love Jo Jingles! It's always so much fun...……….

My 3 children absolutely love Jo Jingles! It's always so much fun, we love all the musical instruments and the songs are fantastic. We always look forward to the sessions each week with Karen. We are now joining in with the sessions online everyday and my almost 1 year old will go to her toy box and get out her Jo teddy and wave sit at me. She knows when it's time for some jingling! It has become such a fun part of her day. She has learnt so much from doing them. Thoroughly recommend these fab sessions and it's great for mummies too who love a singalong like me!!

Mum, Jo Jingles North Herts

You will probably know just how much all three of us looked forward to the session each week.

You will probably know just how much all three of us looked forward to the session each week. You made being a Mum of twins in a class session an absolute breeze. Thank You.

Mum to Twins

Jo Jingles is the best pre school activity we do. My child has gained in confidence and become sociable and loves to sing.

Jo Jingles is the best pre school activity we do. My child has gained in confidence and become sociable and loves to sing.


Our Son thoroughly enjoyed Jo Jingles - the excellent leadership, weekly themes for learning through song...

Our Son thoroughly enjoyed Jo Jingles - the excellent leadership, weekly themes for learning through song, and the fun use of musical instruments helped his confidence, sociability and, having a speech delay, he progressed his language through singing. We, as parents, had a great time too, and we will be taking our new daughter to Jo Jingles!


Before Jo Jingles Dylan used to be very shy even though he is quite a showman at heart. Now he expresses himself more freely ...

Before Jo Jingles Dylan used to be very shy even though he is quite a showman at heart. Now he expresses himself more freely and looks forward to each session.

Dylan's Mum

Thank you so much for these last few years of singing and smiles at Jo Jingles. Sam, like his brother before him, has loved every moment!

Thank you so much for these last few years of singing and smiles at Jo Jingles. Sam, like his brother before him, has loved every moment! No matter how tired/grumpy/poorly he is, Jo Jingles always cheers him up. I would recommend it to all parents of young children as music is such an important part of their development. I can't quite believe that we've come to the end of our "jingles" era!

Sam's Mum

We really can't thank you enough for making Monday mornings so enjoyable for the past 3 years.

We really can't thank you enough for making Monday mornings so enjoyable for the past 3 years. The classes are great & Olivia has learned so much (from musical talents to listening, following instructions, sharing - the list goes on!)
But - it is your incredible enthusiasm, warmth and kindness that makes it so special and has kept us coming all these years.

Olivia's Mum

I've said it before but you do such a great job and Sophie has absolutely loved coming to Jo Jingles (as have I!).

I've said it before but you do such a great job and Sophie has absolutely loved coming to Jo Jingles (as have I!). She has got so much from the classes and she constantly amazes me with the things she has learnt, from basic listening skills to names of instruments and musical notes. And I really appreciate how much you let William join in too, he's so desperate to do everything his sister does!

Sophie & Williams Mum

Friends of Jo Jingles

We are a huge supporter of local nurseries.

Here are a list of some of our friends
Club Hub UK
Monkey Puzzle Day Nursery Astwick
BEST Nurseries

Dear Jinglers Everywhere,

Due to the ongoing Coronavirus situation and guidelines provided by the Government and Public Health England* ( & all other relevant Regional Public Health agencies) our customers and class teacher safety and well-being is absolutely paramount.

Sadly, in view of the most recent news and recommendations Jo Jingles classes are now TEMPORARILY CLOSED in ALL areas.

However, you can still enjoy Jo Jingles @ Home – many of our Jingle areas are now offering fun online music sessions so contact your local Jo Jingles representative for further details either via Facebook or https://www.jojingles.com/find-class

If there’s not one available in your area at this time do take a look online to see where you can join another online session in our Network https://www.jojingles.com/find-class.

During this very difficult time we want to support families at home and provide some musical fun and entertainment for children.

If you would like to also stock up on musical goodies to accompany the sessions visit Jo’s Shop at https://www.jojingles.com/shop – it’s business as usual, at this time, for all online orders received.

This situation is evolving rapidly, and we will keep you updated if things change but in the meantime we are continuing to follow all necessary health and safety guidelines.

We’ll also shortly be announcing some NEW and exciting Jingle products too!

We will really miss all of our lovely ‘jinglers’ but hope to see you & all your friends again very soon,

A huge THANK YOU for your ongoing support.

Keep safe and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

Best wishes

Jo Jingles xx

01494 778989 / email: headoffice@jojingles.co.uk