10 tips for marketing your new franchise business

Buying a franchise usually comes with the benefit of a Head Office Support Team that includes a fully functioning marketing programme, nationwide advertising and the brand reputation that comes with it, but ultimately you and only you are in control of your business and its success.

To truly flourish in your area, you must always develop your own local marketing strategy from the outset so if you’re new to marketing, follow these ten tips to get yourself off to a flying start.

  • Know your who your customer is
  • Understand the big picture – consider your customer timeline
  • Claim your Google business listing
  • Use the branding collateral available from your franchisor
  • Create a seasonal content & social media planner that appeals to your customers
  • Lead management – understand the importance of timely communications
  • Provide consistently excellent customer service
  • Don’t forget ‘offline’ activities
  • Encourage referrals to spread the word
  • Remember your competition

You can also view this article on the British Franchise Association's website as it was featured in their 2019 '12 days of Christmas campaign'.

1. Know your who your customer is

This might sound obvious, but it’s amazing how often people advertise in the wrong place because they’ve lost sight of who they’re trying to reach. Build a picture of your ideal customer, give them a name, draw them on a piece of paper with a funny face and keep them in the front of your mind when considering any new marketing activity for your business. Know their interests, what they look like, where they shop, how much they earn, do they have children? The more specific you can get with this customer profiling exercise, the more targeted and ultimately successful your marketing activity will be.

2. Understand the big picture – consider your customer timeline

Put yourself in your customers shoes to understand the journey they will have with your business. How will they find you? How will they contact you? How can they access your products and services? How can they leave feedback? Consider all the possible points and ways they might need to interact with you before, during and after they are your customer so you can make each touch point as positive as possible.

3. Claim your Google listing

Google My Business is the central hub to manage how your business appears on Google Search and Maps and is highly recommended for businesses targeting local customers in specific areas. Create a Google account and claim your Google business listing as soon as you can for a FREE powerful marketing tool that will help customers find you.

4. Use the branding collateral available from your franchisor

The beauty of joining an established brand is that marketing collateral such as imagery, ads, business stationery and social media artwork will already exist. Don’t waste time trying to create this yourself, stay on brand and keep things professional by asking your head office team for help with any artwork or merchandising needs you have.

5. Create a seasonal content & social media planner

Setting up a content plan doesn’t have to be complicated, but it will save you hours in the long run so it’s well worth investing a day to get this right. Pay attention to seasonal trends, festivals and events that are of interest to and popular with your customers then build a plan spanning the year for the marketing emails, PR activity, social media posts, events and blog articles you will create around them. Don’t forget to pay attention to any national campaigns your franchisor is running as you will be expected to participate in those locally too.

6. Lead management – Understand the importance of timely communications

Every customer journey starts with a call, email or face to face meeting. You should work to make those first few conversations as positive and effective as possible, so they don’t go elsewhere. Set expectations, meet them, and make sure you’re easy to get hold of. Set up an out of office if you’re not able to answer emails immediately, set up a professional voice mail and always have business cards or flyers with your contact details to hand when meeting potential customers.

7. Provide consistently excellent service

Great communication and people skills are key to running a successful business. Whether it’s the first or last customer of the day, whether you’re at your desk or running errands, you need to be able to provide each customer who contacts your business with the same level of consistency in the service you provide. Set up email templates, auto responders, follow up calls, emails, invoices, thank you notes and testimonial requests in advance.

8. Don’t forget ‘offline’ activities

In a world seemingly governed by Facebook and Instagram, it can be easy to forget there are real people out there! Make time to set up introductory meetings with local venues and people that could introduce you to future customers in your area. People buy into people, so having a face to face meeting over a cup of tea could be worth far more to your business success than 1000 Facebook posts.

9. Encourage referrals to spread the word

Word of mouth and recommendations will always be one of the most powerful marketing tools you have. Send a gentle reminder to customers that will nudge them to leave a review on Google or Facebook to spread the word about how great you are at what you do. Don’t forget to add these reviews to your website too!

10. Remember the competition

Ultimately your focus is your business, but it pays to keep one eye on the competition. Make sure you know what direct competitors are operating in your local area. Understand what they do well and where you can provide a better customer experience so you can capitalise on this with your business and marketing plans.

Finally, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed when starting a new business so don’t be afraid to stop at any point to take a breath and remember all the reasons why you wanted to start your own business in the first place. If you keep believing in yourself and the brand you have bought into, you can achieve the rewarding career you dreamed of.

Jo Jingles has a dedicated Head Office Support Team including Marketing that provides all the training and guidance you need to set up and make a success of your new business, making it the perfect franchise partner for those wanting to work with children in a musical setting.

Jo Jingles has been providing music, singing and movement experience classes for babies and pre-school children from three months to five years of age for over 25 years. With nationwide sessions in more than 700 centres across the UK and Ireland and with over 75 franchisees, Jo Jingles offers well-established, structured classes that are fun, interactive and educational for little ones.

Category: Starting a business

This article is from the Jo Jingles Business Blog series.

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Find out more about Jo Jingles

Jo Jingles provides music, singing and movement classes for children aged 3 months to five years across the UK. Our fun, interactive and educational classes are run by experienced class teachers at more than 700 centres nationwide.

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01494 778989

Dear Jinglers Everywhere,

Due to the ongoing Coronavirus situation and guidelines provided by the Government and Public Health England* ( & all other relevant Regional Public Health agencies) our customers and class teacher safety and well-being is absolutely paramount.

Sadly, in view of the most recent news and recommendations Jo Jingles classes are now TEMPORARILY CLOSED in ALL areas.

However, you can still enjoy Jo Jingles @ Home – many of our Jingle areas are now offering fun online music sessions so contact your local Jo Jingles representative for further details either via Facebook or https://www.jojingles.com/find-class

If there’s not one available in your area at this time do take a look online to see where you can join another online session in our Network https://www.jojingles.com/find-class.

During this very difficult time we want to support families at home and provide some musical fun and entertainment for children.

If you would like to also stock up on musical goodies to accompany the sessions visit Jo’s Shop at https://www.jojingles.com/shop – it’s business as usual, at this time, for all online orders received.

This situation is evolving rapidly, and we will keep you updated if things change but in the meantime we are continuing to follow all necessary health and safety guidelines.

We’ll also shortly be announcing some NEW and exciting Jingle products too!

We will really miss all of our lovely ‘jinglers’ but hope to see you & all your friends again very soon,

A huge THANK YOU for your ongoing support.

Keep safe and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

Best wishes

Jo Jingles xx

01494 778989 / email: headoffice@jojingles.co.uk